Nonprofits: In times of uncertainty around funding, lean into these 3 things.

by Sandi Vidal, Vice President of Community Strategies and Initiatives

I always say nonprofits are tasked with our toughest issues and then are under-resourced to do the job. It’s true: the independent (nonprofit) sector is addressing the most complex dilemmas: homelessness, food insecurity, environmental issues, mental health crises, addiction—the list can go on forever. 

The latter half of this piece is the constant hustle to have the appropriate resources to get the job done well. Whether it is stewarding private funders or writing grant proposals for a government grant, finding funding is a full-time job (plus some) and many nonprofit leaders lose sleep over this every night. 

And here’s the scary part: you can’t control funding. As much as you plan and prepare, nonprofits ultimately do not pull the strings of where and when dollars will come.  

So, let’s start with accepting that. (Take a deep breath if you need to.) 

Now that we’ve accepted this difficult truth, let’s talk about what is in your power when funding sources shift, move, change – or disappear entirely.

You can’t control funding. Here’s what you can control.

#1: Staying informed with trustworthy sources.

funding; nonprofits; central florida; orlando

We suggest following the National Council on Nonprofits, the Florida Nonprofit Alliance, and the Independent Sector as they are monitoring the situation and updating relevant information regularly. Edyth Bush Institute is a great local source of information.  

#2: Sharing your voice.

funding uncertainty; florida nonprofits

It is also beneficial to reach out to your legislators and let them know how cuts and changes will not only affect your programs but ultimately the people you serve.  You can call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The number is the same for the House and Senate.

You can access U.S. Congressional Members from Florida here: Florida Senators and Representatives.

You can also ask for staffers who are in charge of a particular area of interest such as healthcare or education. I have been told calling or talking to your legislators in person is more effective than emailing or filling out an online petition. 

#3 Collaborating with others doing similar work.

funding uncertainty; nonprofits

Are there ways to cut costs by sharing resources? This could be space, unused supplies, or even outsourcing work to another nonprofit. Connect with others who are doing similar work to see if there are ways to partner or streamline.

We understand this can feel overwhelming. These items above do not solve the source of a lot of consternation, and it most certainly does not create immediate funding solutions. If programs lose funding, the gaps are huge and not easy to replace; however, in times of uncertainty, it is important to lean into what you do have control over.

How Central Florida Foundation can be a resource to you.

Central Florida Foundation (CFF) is our region’s community foundation. One of our goals is to support a strong independent (nonprofit) sector, enabling us to connect strategic philanthropists to impactful local programs and organizations.

Nonprofit Search (NPS), a CFF initiative, is a searchable database of Central Florida nonprofits. Nonprofits have profiles that are public to the community. Profiles have important information about the organization, such as governance, programs, financials, and impact.

How does having an NPS profile help your organization?

  1. We share NPS and specific profiles frequently with funders, philanthropists, and community leaders, meaning that having a public profile offers your nonprofit more visibility.
  2. NPS is a trusted source that helps people find nonprofits that believe in transparency. Trust and transparency are two components that are often cited by philanthropists as important in their decision making.
  3. Having an active NPS profile is the first step in qualifying for many local grants. This is true for CFF’s community investment grants, but other municipalities and funders also use NPS as a first step in grant eligibility.
  4. NPS is available to you too, and as a nonprofit, you can use it as a way to find potential collaborators that are also working in your impact area.

>>To start or complete your NPS profile, contact Susan Ponce with your organization’s name and EIN #, your name and role, and your preferred login email address.

Other ways CFF can be a resource:

  1. Keep us informed. Have an innovative program launching? Do you have great outcomes to share from a recent program? Contact us! We love knowing what is happening in our community. This can open you up to more visibility and potential funding.
  2. Get on our email list. If you aren’t getting our monthly nonprofit newsletter, sign up. We share community grant opportunities, as well as CFF educational offerings and upcoming grant cycles.

As you navigate through this time of uncertainty, here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  1. You are not alone.
  2. Things are changing fast. Take time to breathe and for self-care.
  3. Lean into facts, not speculation and panic.

I’ll end on this note. I know that, if you’re reading this, you’re a leader. You are smart, resourceful, and someone who can lean into your own power and the collective power of others like you during uncertain times. And, I’ll say it again, you are not alone.

As the landscape shifts, we will continue to stay informed, working within the facts we know, and doing what we can to support the critical work that nonprofits do for our community.

Thank you for all you do for the community.

Stay tuned.

Sandi Vidal is just a girl trying to change the world one day at a time. She serves as the Vice President of Community Strategies and Initiatives for the Central Florida Foundation. Within her role at the Foundation, Sandi works on a variety of initiatives including the Sustainable Development Goals, Poverty Alleviation, and Social Justice, and is the Staff Liaison for the 100 Women Strong Giving Circle.  Sandi is a graduate of the University of Miami School of Business with a degree in Business Administration and a die-hard Cane in a house full of Noles. She has over 15 years of nonprofit leadership and over 20 years of Business Management experience. 

Sandi has a passion for public speaking, advocating for solutions to complex social issues. She is also a local Jefferson Award winner for volunteerism, and currently serves on the Nominating Committee for the League of Women Voters of Orange County, as an advisor for the Health Equity Advisory for the East Orange Regional Planning Council, is a member of Mayor Dyer’s Multicultural Board, and serves on the board of ProNet. She has worked on many projects and initiatives in the community including Thrive, BBLI, and leads an international cohort of foundations working on the SDGs. She has been married 33 years to her wonderful husband Eddie and has 3 amazing kids and 2 cats.

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