Central Florida Foundation’s First You Talk podcast explores complex social issues and philanthropic strategies, with a focus on building community by building philanthropy. By creating an approachable space to unpack large and oftentimes challenging topics, each episode informs listeners in an easy-to-understand way, fosters greater empathy in our community, and empowers thoughtful discussions that lead to sustainable solutions.
Navigating Generosity is designed for professional advisors and anyone who wants to be better informed when discussing charitable giving with their advisors. Our hosts include Chartered Advisors in Philanthropy® and other professionals in this field, including wealth and financial advisors. In the inaugural episode, we delve into the “Bread and Butter of Planned Giving.” Our goal is to provide valuable insights and practical advice for those involved in or interested in approaching charitable giving in a strategic, impactful way (with a little bit of laughter along the way!).
This episode covers bequests, giving from your retirement account, why someone might want to consider talking to a charity that they’ve put in their will ahead of time, and putting butter on all sandwiches – even peanut butter and jelly.
Learn more about our focus on piloting, scaling, accelerating and filling gaps as a crucial part of our grantmaking strategy at Central Florida Foundation. | Sandi Vidal and Laurie Crocker
Discover the nuances of charitable gift planning, the importance of aligning assets with giving vehicles, and inspiration for creative solutions for your clients. Nicole Donelson and David Torre
This episode discusses the importance of proactive philanthropy, the role of community foundations in addressing social issues, and offers strategies for maximizing the impact of donations on Giving Tuesday and beyond. Sandi Vidal and Laurie Crocker
Aligns with Episode 10: Understanding the Foster Care System | Ryan Hatcher
Learn about our state’s lead agency system, take a deep dive into what it means to “age out” of the system, and specific areas along the foster care experience to focus on moving forward. Sandi Vidal | Episode Guests: Peter Amico, Phil Scarpelli, Raquel Bell, and Michelle Chira
Aligns with Episode 7: Why is solving homelessness so hard? Part 2 | Mark Brewer, Sandi Vidal and Martha Are
Celebrating one year of the podcast! | Nicole Donelson and Laurie Crocker
With our Point in Time Count on the rise and a new state law going into effect, we return to our very first FYT podcast episode topic to go deeper into this complex issue. Mark Brewer and Sandi Vidal | Episode Guests: Martha Are, Gwenell Hall, State Attorney Andrew Bain, Kathy
A special 30th anniversary episode with CFF’s President/CEO, Mark Brewer! Mark Brewer and Laurie Crocker
Nicole Donelson and Mark Brewer
What makes someone a philanthropist? We dive into this topic, breaking down obstacles, misconceptions, trends and more. Nicole Donelson and Mark Brewer | Episode Guests: Renuka Sastri, Chris Manley
Troubleshooting issues within our educational system feels overwhelming. A spotlight is often on crisis points, such as kindergarten readiness, third grade reading scores, and graduation rates; but, what if we zoomed out and flew over the entire system at 30,000 feet? Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer | Guests: Eddy Moratin and students Michael, Reagan, and Naej
We hear this buzzword a lot: innovation. But what does it mean and is it a part of our community? Furthermore, is innovation a must-have in order to improve our region? Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer | Guests: Rob Panepinto and Dean Grant Hayes
This is a deeper-dive bonus episode that aligns with Episode 3: Why should we care about our community’s mental health? Hear Mark and Sandi talk about strategies on creating a reliable and sustainable mental health workforce. Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer
In today’s day and age, caring about your mental health has been woven into our daily conversations; but, what about our community’s mental health? What does it mean to care about our region’s mental health at large? Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer | Guests: Cendie Stanford and Marni Stahlman
This is a deeper-dive bonus episode that aligns with Episode 2: How are we going to solve our housing crisis? Hear an uncut version of Mark and Sandi talk about obstacles to having more attainable housing and how policy can shape solutions. Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer
Central Florida is known for its world-class tourist attractions and top-tier restaurants and nightlife. It’s all magic and pixie dust here, right? Not if you’re one of the thousands of workforce residents slowly being priced out of housing. Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer | Guests: Catherine Steck McManus, Alberto Vargas, and Donya
This is a deeper-dive bonus episode that aligns with Episode 1: Why is solving homelessness so hard? Hear an uncut version of Mark and Sandi talk about two types of homelessness – episodic and chronic – and why understanding the two matters. Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer
Ever wonder why we can’t just solve the problem of homelessness? Join us on a journey to discover the story of this complex issue, hear from people experiencing homelessness now, and learn what the City of Orlando is doing to try to alleviate this growing problem in the region. Sandi Vidal and Mark Brewer | Guests: Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and clients of Samaritan Resource Center
Laurie Crocker
Director of Marketing and Communications