In 1994, ten visionary thinkers gathered around a table to discuss a simple question:
How can we really change Central Florida for the better?

The answer was to join forces not just with their dollars, but with the full power of their vision, passion and community connections. Only then could they drive deep and lasting social change. This partnership evolved into the Central Florida Foundation.

The Beginning

Ten visionary thinkers come together to discuss the challenges facing Central Florida, the path to real change and philanthropic solutions for donors and nonprofits. The conversation inspires them to launch Central Florida Foundation, the region’s community foundation in 1994.


Winter Park Community Grants

The administration of Winter Park Community Trust and its 68 funds is transferred to Central Florida Foundation, becoming the basis to support the Winter Park Community Grants.

Hitting Milestones

Mark Brewer named President/CEO. Foundation establishes plan for growth, grant-making structure and makes its first home in College Park.


Orlando's Children

CFF administers an investment from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support the City of Orlando in launching the Parramore Kidz Zone. PKZ levels the playing field for Parramore’s children, equipping them to become successful, healthy, well-educated adults.

100 Women Strong

Formation of 100 Women Strong, a strategic giving circle committed to improving the lives of women and children in our community


Nonprofit Database

Nonprofit Search, a powerful and searchable database of all nonprofits in the region, goes live.

Partnership with UCF

Established a relationship with the University of Central Florida's Nonprofit Management Students for Community Investment Grants.


Homeless Impact Fund

Launch of Homeless Impact Fund and shift to Housing First model changes the region’s approach to addressing homelessness

Better Together Fund

Better Together Fund opens after Pulse tragedy on June 12. Fund supports four key areas to assist survivors and families and to help community heal.



Rally, Social Enterprise Accelerator begins with first cohort.

Thrive Framework

Central Florida Foundation established a localized version of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more.


Parramore Asset Stabilization Fund

Parramore Asset Stabilization Fund (PASF) was formed in 2019 to purchase scattered-site rental properties in Orlando’s Parramore neighborhood, in order to improve housing conditions and preserve long-term affordability in the area.


The inaugural TableTalk brings over 3,000 people together over coffee or a simple meal to discuss the good and bad of the community and how to make it better.



With the onset of a global pandemic, CFF invests over $1.5 million to support COVID-19 relief in Central Florida and hosts on-going Critical Community Conversations.

TableTalk Phase 2

TableTalk enters into a new phase that champions our diverse community through a more community-owned approach.





We bring all the essential partners to the table - researchers, policy makers, business leaders, supporters and other stakeholders.


We generate ideas to address the root cause of the challenge rather than simply fixing the symptoms.


We connect strategy to philanthropy, driving community-wide investment in truly one-of-a-kind solutions.


We pilot big-picture, systemic solutions with the potential to change things for good. True impact requires unique approaches to issues.


We create real, lasting change as stewards of our community’s resources, passion and investment since 1994.


Spirit of Service – We value, respect, and serve as a catalyst to bring all people together. We collaborate with community partners to make Central Florida a place where everyone feels at home and our giving (or philanthropy) reflects our diverse community.

Take Action – We work with the community to solve our region’s emerging and ever-changing needs. Creative ideas, proven research and innovative strategy fuel the way we approach social problems.

Words Matter – We respond quickly, share ideas openly, welcome direct dialogue, and encourage challenging conversations. We are open to listen and to do better.

An Open Book – We provide data and knowledge about our operations and the state of the community. We are honest and direct about how decisions are made. We believe transparency and inclusiveness help create lasting change.

Preserve & Respect – We acknowledge the history of Central Florida and its residents – both positive and negative. We are wise stewards of the philanthropy and legacies of our donors.

As we work to create a better Central Florida, we follow our Thrive Framework, backed by the guiding principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Click here to learn more about Thrive.